Fire Safety Training


It is a legal requirement that all employers provide staff with adequate fire safety training, including fire extinguisher and fire warden training, where appropriate. (The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005).   This doesn’t meant that all employees need to undertake specialist fire training, but it does mean that they require the minimum level and amount of training that would allow them to undertake their roles safely.  One of the most common factors identified during fire risk assessments is a lack of adequate training for staff.

Basic Fire Safety

This type of training normally levels includes basic fire safety training s part of the company induction process, which should be refreshed as required.  Additionally, where the premises needs a system of fire wardens, people nominated for that role should receive appropriate training and this should be refreshed as necessary.

Extinguisher Training

Training in selection and use of fire extinguishers is normally part of the fire warden package. In premises with a particular risk, certain individuals may be identified as requiring fire extinguisher training and this should include practical experience, discharging the extinguishers at least and real fire training at best.

Fire Warden (Fire Marshal) Training

In premises where fire wardens form part of the evacuation strategy, sufficient staff need to be nominated and trained to undertake the role, ensuring that there are always fire wardens on duty for each part of the building and that there are enough nominated to cover for lunch hours, staff sickness and other absence.  Training will include evacuation procedures,  fire warden duties, general fire safety and (where required) fire extinguisher training.

Fire Risk Assessment for Managers

In many cases, local managers will be required to undertake routine fire risk assessments of their own work place.  Rapier provides Fire Risk Assessment training for managers.  This short course introduces individuals to the process, the documentation required, the items that should be included in the fire risk assessment and, most importantly empowers the student to recognize the limits of their training and competence; it gives them the information they need to identify when a specialist fire risk assessor should be consulted.

What can Rapier Offer Me?

Rapier offers the full range of fire safety training courses.  We have ‘off the peg’ packages that can be delivered to your staff on site, or they can join courses being run at our training venues in London and Kent.

We have extensive facilities, ranging from simple training rooms, to specialist facilities, which include supervised and safe real fire training for extinguisher courses.

We can tailor courses to meet the requirements of your company and we operate at costs that are far less than you might imagine.

Whatever your fire and safety training needs, give us a call on  01959 572 559, or drop us an e-mail to