Fire Safety Legislation UK

Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005

In order to satisfy the responsibilities of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order, building owners and operators are continually turning to inspection bodies to conduct inspections of new and existing fire protection installations  in their buildings to ensure they comply with the requirements of this order and other statuatory requirements. Rapier can provide expertise  in fire protection matters and will give a completely independent, factual, unbiased report on the fire protection of your premises?

Which properties need to undertake a Fire Risk Assessment?

The FSO 2005 applies to virtually all buildings, places and structures. Exceptions include: single private homes; mines; forests; & ships.

Who is the "responsible person"?

The biggest change under the RRO is that fire risk assessment and a duty of fire safety care was introduced for most premises and replaced fire certificates. If you are an employer or have control over premises, then you are required by law to carry out a fire risk assessment and act on its findings. The responsible person can be more than one person and include: the employer; the occupier; the owner; contracted positions of leasehold obligations; any other person with control over the premises; and or, those with adopted responsibilities.

What constitutes a breach of legislation?

There are a large number of enforceable breaches including: an unsuitable and insufficient fire risk assessment; failure to nominate competent persons to help the responsible person discharge his/her duties; failure to maintain the fire alarm sytem; inadequate fire safety training etc

What are the consequences of failure to comply with the FSO?

There are a number of possible outcomes following an audit of your premises: ranging from verbal advice; a written schedule; enforcement notice; alterations notice; or in exceptionally severe circumstances, a prohibition notice. The consequences of not complying with fire safety requirements can be severe. Apart from the potential for loss of life, injury or damage to property, it may also lead to enforcement action being taken. The penalties are set out in legislation and will range from a fine to a custodial sentence and may, in extreme circumstances include both.

If you are unsure about your responsibilities, have a query or need any advice about fire safety, please contact Rapier, we will be happy to clarify your position.