Rapier Response

Rapier has a fully developed fire and rescue capability.  Services we offer include the following:

  • Statutory Fire and Rescue Cover
  • Fire and Rescue Stand-By Cover for Airports and Air Movements
  • Fire and Rescue Stand-by cover for events, such as motor racing, filming etc.
  • Technical Access and Technical Rescue
  • Police Assistance

Fire and Rescue

Rapier have fully equipped fire appliances and trained crews who are capable of carrying out fire fighting operations, along with the full range of technical access and technical rescue capabilities.  Rapier can provide a full service to statutory local authority fire and rescue services (but not strike cover).   We also provide fire cover to airports and for aircraft movements at temporary landing sites.

Fire cover is also provided for the TV and film industries and for events, such as sporting and motor racing events.

Confined Space

We can offer safety stand by and rescue teams for confined space operations.

We also have access and training teams.  Based in London, Kent and Devon, the confined space response and training teams operate throughout the UK.

Rope and Working at Height Safety and Rescue Cover

We can provide safety stand by and rescue teams for your rope access and work at height projects.  Based in London and Devon, the Rope response and training teams operate across the UK.


Rapier has a water rescue team who can provide safety boat cover for water based events, safety cover for construction and other work that is taking place on or near water and we can provide water access.  The water rescue team is fully trained and equipped to deal with flood response and rescue from fast moving water.  We also provide water safety and water rescue training.  The water rescue and water rescue training teams are based in London and Devon and operate across the entire United Kingdom.

Police Assistance

Rapier can assist police forces in gaining access to difficult to reach urban and rural areas.  We can assist in searches for persons, bodies and other evidential material.  Rapier can insert police officers into any areas that normal search teams can’t reach.  We can provide rope, confined space and water access on behalf of police forces that don’t have this capability.  Rapier offers other specialist capabilities for police assistance.  All police assistance can be provided on call-off, stand-by or a high readiness basis.